
机器型号 部品名称 配件号码 单位 单价/RMB 备注
DAIHATSU DL-24 橡胶密封件 Z800001370ZZ 30.00 原厂新品
DAIHATSU DL-24 垫片 Z565002100ZZ 1.20 原厂新品
DAIHATSU DL-24 垫片 Z565001700ZZ 1.20 原厂新品
DAIHATSU DL-24 垫片 E185610280Z 3.60 原厂新品
DAIHATSU DL-24 六角插座螺栓 Z212012020ZZ 2.40 原厂新品


、DAIHATSU DL-24 挪威、DAIHATSU DL-24 俄罗斯、DAIHATSU DL-24 工具、DAIHATSU DL-24 液压拉伸器、DAIHATSU DL-24 螺栓、DAIHATSU DL-24 锁紧螺母、DAIHATSU DL-24 凸轮轴、DAIHATSU DL-24 轴瓦、DAIHATSU DL-24 连杆瓦、DAIHATSU DL-24 主轴瓦、DAIHATSU DL-24 衬套、DAIHATSU DL-24 活塞肖、DAIHATSU DL-24 进气管、DAIHATSU DL-24 排气管、DAIHATSU DL-24 活塞环、DAIHATSU DL-24 火焰环、DAIHATSU DL-24、The stabilization time of TS — from a sudden ( or sudden ) full load, speed just deviates from the maximum speed ( or full load stable speed range speed ) to return to full load speed stability ( or maximum no-load speed ) range until the time required. 我国有关规范规定,交流发电机的稳定时间大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件得大于5s。 China’s relevant regulations, AC generator stability time shall be not more than 5S. 2、静态大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件标 In 2, the static index ①稳定调速率δ2——大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件当操纵手柄在标定供油位置时,最高空载转速n0max与标定转速nb大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件差同标定转速nb比值的大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件分数。 ①stable speed rate δ2– when the handle in the calibration of the feed position, the highest speed of n0max and Nb difference with rated speed rated speed ratio of Nb percentage. 稳定调速率用来衡量调速器的准确性,其值愈小,表示调速器的准确性愈好。 Steady speed regulation used to measure the accuracy of the governor, the smaller the value of the governor, said the accuracy is better. ②转速波动率Φ或转速变化率φ ——用来表征在稳定运转时,柴油机转速的变化程度,主要是由柴油机回转力矩大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件均匀而引起的。但两者的定义大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件同: The speed fluctuation rateΦor rate of change of φ– used to characterize the performance of diesel engine speed, the extent of the changes, mainly by the diesel engine rotary torque nonuniformity caused by. But the two different definitions: 转速波动率Φ= Speed fluctuation rateΦ= 转速变化率φ= Rate of change of φ= 一般,在标定工况时,Φ≤(0.25~0.5)%; φ≤(0.5~1)%。 In general, the calibration condition,φ≤(0.25~0.5) %;φ≤(0.5~1). ③大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件灵敏度ε The sensitivity is not 当柴油机在一定负荷下稳定运转时,由于调速机构中存在间隙、摩擦和阻力,若转速稍有变化,调速器并大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件立即改变供油量。直到转速变化量足够大时,调速器大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件能开始起到调节供油的作用。这种现象称为调速器的大发、DL-24、螺栓、垫片、密封件灵敏性。

Originally posted 2018-02-05 13:19:57.